Airstream News, Berlin

Airstream sales, Airstream restauration, Airstream promo & Airstream Road Show for Exhibitions, Brand Promotion, Messes, Lease / Rent
AG will move into a new airconditioned/climate controlled workshop with offices, showroom, workshop and includes separate fully equipped catering facilities. It will be right between the Berlin Messe and Tempelhof.
I am proud to inform you that Airstream Gourmet GmbH will be represented in Russia by our new "Offical Agent" Denis Korablev. We welcome Denis in our Airstream Gourmet family. All communications for Russia will be handled by Denis.
Airstreams are available for Fashion shows, events and exhibitions. We have started a campaign for the new brand "Bilytis" that will be introduced in March this year.
Under the "Home" button, we have two new sub-buttons on this website. References and Clients. References are related to Carina Habets, author of the book "TWEESTRIJD", and Rebecca Both, Actress and Fine Arts artist in California USA.

I am thrilled to introduce you Hanna van der Schraaf (Our celebrity from Amsterdam). Hanna surprised us by presenting us her own home made "Cupcakes" which were presented during our meeting at the Holiday Crown Plaza hotel in The Hague the Netherlands the day before X-mass eve. Later during the day, we were joined by some more "actors" at the "Gouden Kalf" of Esther Hofenk in Scheveningen to the Hague in the Netherlands, where we had a delicious 5 course diner. Soon, Hanna will go on tour of 9 months that will bring her to London, New York and San Francisco. We wish Hanna much succes and a bright future.
We also urge you to have a look at since we will soon work with 250 million years old salt. Read the article and what we will do together with Jens Kleber.
For our VIP service, Airstream Gourmet has extended the service by providing Security and Body Guard Services. Our Drivers and security personnel have been trained for any situation and provide safe transportation.
I wish you on behalf of the management of Airstream Gourmet a Happy 2012.
Cheers, Bon apetit.
Irina Remontova
General Director